瑞士紡織檢定(TESTEX),是國際知名專業、獨立的瑞士檢測、認證機構。TESTEX成立於1846年,歷史悠久,很開心跟大家分享,TESTEX已經成立175年, 175年來,我們始終如一,致力於建立紡織鑑定準則,從原物料到終端紡織成品,TESTEX用心建立紡織準則,並且支持製造商去實現對環境、社會責任跟品質的目標。
除了瑞士蘇黎世總部, TESTEX 集團目前在全球擁有 28 家分支機構和超過 300 名員工。其中於1995年於香港成立分公司負責營運亞太地區、2004年於臺灣設立臺北代表處,提供臺灣紡織業者更快速、便利的服務。
歡迎聯絡:TESTEX 臺北代表處
Tel:02-2706-2828; E-mail:taipei@testex.com
TESTEX is an independent and professional Swiss testing and certification organization operating world-wide with focus on textile texting. This historical institute was found in 1846 and we are glad to share with you guys that we have been setting standards for 175 years. From raw material to the finished textile, we set standards and support manufacturers in achieving their environmental, social responsibility and quality goals.
Apart from its Swiss headquarters in Zurich, the TESTEX group has 28 branches worldwide and employs more than 300 staff. Moreover, it opened Hong Kong branch office in 1995, which in charge of the Asia/Pacific region. In order to provide a more convenient and friendly service for textile industry in Taiwan, TESTEX Taipei representative office was opened in 2004.
TESTEX Taipei office: